samedi 2 juin 2012

SEMEtt Pan-Africanist Movement Manifesto (translation: Dimlé Sène)

SEMEtt is a structure that brings together educational researchers, artists, cultural actors, filmmakers, lawyers, economists, computer scientists, teachers, journalists, and members of African civil society organizations concerned with educational issues pertaining to the future of the continent Africa by being convinced that the development of Africa will inevitably depend on the training of highly qualified human resources that have a strong self-concept.

The SEMEtt Movement, which has its headquarters in Dakar, a city that was born in the first section, intends to unite all the powers of the continent in the field of media, culture, and education, i.e. all those who contribute to structure the collective imagination, to draw together in the same direction to boost the African Union of Peoples. It is urgent, especially for the youth, to break away from apathy and mobilize in support of the continental destiny.

SEMEtt, which is primarily a think tank, that is to say, a discussion forum for innovative ways to generate the construction of the United States of Africa, is also intended not only for the crucible of the recovery of all successful initiatives where ever they may come from around the world, provided they are positive for the continent, but above all, as an activist organization capable of developing an advocacy to lobby to win the support of decision makers.

We must indeed learn to be together. The common desire of African communal life will not come out of nothing. The cultural unity of Africa is evident and should be used to move the continent further. Beyond the diversity of cultures born of local differentiations and different challenges, the foundation of a united Africa mentally, that is to say, tending towards a single purpose, does exist in continuity with the geographical blocks, and in the similarities of the historical trajectories and multiforms of centuries-old exchanges.

The people who win are those who believe in themselves, and believe in the priestly perspective of fulfilling their destiny. This ex nihilo belief should be discarded. It is the result of values and attitudes conveyed in the educational process at large as essential components in teaching and learning while processing directional information, and the commitment of mature cultural and artistic output. The inhibitors of fatalism and the inferiority complex of today are products of history. Extra concern must be taken towards history in order to not repeat the same mistakes that occurred in the course of history, and to learn about our past so that we can see why it is important to return to greatness and independence.


(Translation: Dimlé Sène)